For over 50 years, Iowa's electric cooperatives have sponsored high school students from across America to visit the nation's capital. Each year, CCECA sponsors one high school sophomore or junior on this expenses-paid trip to Washington D.C.

On Youth Tour, approximately 1,600 youth participants visit historical sites, meet congressional leaders, spend a day on Capitol Hill, cruise down the Potomac River, and learn about American history and government.

Youth Tour 2024: The dates for the trip are June 15-21, 2024 with orientation the evening of June 15 in Des Moines. 

Other things students do and see on Youth Tour include:

  • Washington Monument

  • World War II Memorial

  • Albert Einstein Memorial

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial

  • The National Mall

  • Holocaust Memorial

  • Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

  • Ford's Theatre

  • Korean War Veterans Memorial

  • Lincoln Memorial

  • Washington National Cathedral

  • Iwo Jima Sunset Parade

  • White House

  • Newseum

  • And more!

Learn More

  • Facebook and Twitter pages of the Iowa Electric Cooperatives' Youth Tour

  • Iowa Youth Tour video

  • National Rural Electric Cooperatives Youth Tour website and video

How to Apply

  • Apply online for Iowa Electric Cooperative's at large opportunity by using the "Apply Online Button"  
  • Access CCECA's local Application here : 2024 Youth Tour Application