How to Read Your Statement1. Contact Us: Reach CCECA or its after hour service by calling (712) 297-7112 or (800) 821-4879.

2. Verify Your Contact Info: Your mailing address is printed here. Please contact us if you would like this information updated or any other contact info we should have. 

3. Amount to Pay & Due Date: The total amount due upon receipt of bill is shown here. If this amount is not by the date indicated, a late payment charge will be added. If you are on Automatic Payment or have a credit on your account this information will be printed in this area. Your account number is also listed which is important to know. 

4. Information & Messages: Check this area each month for information from the cooperative.



5. Current Charges for this Billing: Your billing rate, meter number(s), current readings, kilowatt-hours used, and an itemized summary of your current charges are shown here. 

  • Energy Charge- cost for the kilowatt-hours that a member used during the billing period.
  • Facility Charge- is a fixed cost that exist whether that member used any kilowatts or not.
  • Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA)- a pass-through charge or credit applied to the bill due to the fluctuating costs of wholesale power purchased by the cooperative. Revenues from the energy adjustment are not kept by CCECA, they are paid to our power supplier. 
  • KWH- is the number of kilowatt-hours that the member used during the billing period. It is the difference of the PRIOR READING and the NEW READING on the member's meter.
  • Location Number- is helpful for our team in knowing the exact location physical of the electric service. 

6. Compare Your Electric Use- Compare your electric usage with 1 year ago the same month.